Thursday, August 27, 2009

The H1N1 story


Given the global 'panic' on H1N1 flu, I shall discuss this topic, with particular attention to what the global mainstream media does NOT inform the masses.

1. There are some factors that suggest the swine flu killing people in Mexico may be a biological weapon, but obviously no such conclusion can be drawn at this time. The World Health Organization and the U.S. government have been quick to deny such claims .

2. Wayne Madsen wrote in the online-journal, "Our Mexico City source said a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents. "

3. He added that past swine flu outbreaks have been spread from pigs to humans, who then passed the flu on to other humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no reported infections of pigs. ( ).

4. Other pandemics need much greater attention, as the following data shows. "Other global pandemics include:
-- 1.3 billion people live on less than $1 dollar a day, including over 500 million existing in "absolute poverty" according to the World Bank; another three billion survive on about $2 a day; poverty this extreme kills;
-- starvation and famine kill about 15 million children annually;
-- according to the World Health Organization (WHO), one-third of the world population is ill-fed and another one-third is starving;
malnutrition affects one in twelve people, including 160 million children under age five;
-- global hunger, starvation and famine persist in spite of a plentiful world food supply;-- five million annual smoking-related deaths occur;"

5. "..These are real preventable pandemics, not fake ones like Swine Flu being hyped for profit, to spread fear, and divert public attention from real problems like the above-listed ones, the deepening global economic holocaust.." (Stephen Lendman ).

6. Another article by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, enlightens us on the paucity and manipulation of data to justify national (and international) medical emergency measures of influenze A-H1N1.( ). How reliable is the data, he queried. Does the data justify a Worldwide public health emergency, including a $40 billion dollar vaccination program which largely favors a handful of pharmaceutical companies?

7. "The Atlanta based Center for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledged that what was being collected in the US were figures of "confirmed and probable cases". There was, however, NO breakdown between "confirmed" and "probable". In fact, only a small percentage of the reported cases were "confirmed" by a laboratory test.

8. There was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of lab. confirmation. In fact quite the opposite.

9. Following the level 6 Pandemic announcement, both the WHO and the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was NO longer necessary to ascertain the spread of swine flu. As of July 10, one month after the announcement of the level six pandemic, the WHO discontinued the collection of confirmed cases.

10. "The statements of the WHO are notoriously contradictory", Chossudovsky wrote. "While creating an atmosphere of fear and insecurity, pointing to an impending global public health crisis, the WHO has also acknowledged that the underlying symptoms are moderate and that "most people will recover from swine flu within a week, just as they would from seasonal forms of influenza" .

11. "Instead of collecting data --which would have provided empirical backing to its assessments on how the H1N1 virus was spreading-- the CDC announced that it had developed a model "to try to determine the true number of novel H1N1 flu cases in the United States". "

12. "Without systematic lab confirmation, it is impossible to specify the nature of the virus because the symptoms of H1N1 are broadly similar to those of common influenza."

13. "In other words, do the data collected and transmitted by the states to the CDC confirm cases of H1N1 swine flu or do they indicate the prevalence of seasonal influenza? "

14. "What we are dealing with is a process of statistical manipulation, which has far-reaching implications and which could potentially create an atmosphere of panic. "

15. In Britain, the transition has been from "confirmed cases" (lab confirmation) to "suspected cases" (established by health professional, not requiring testing) to "self categorization" .

16. Ironically, he added, "as the pandemic progresses, the process of data collection becomes increasingly loose and unprofessional. One would normally expect the opposite, that following the announcement of Worldwide level 6 pandemic, that the process of data collection would be developed and improved as means to formulating a public health action plan."

17. "Reports from Britain by prominent physicians (to the author) suggest that doctors and epidemiologists in the UK are being threatened. They risk being fired by the National Health authorities if they speak out and reveal the falsehoods underlying the data as well as government statements.

18. It is essential that physicians, epidemiologists and health workers speak out through their respective associations and refute the statements of government health officials who are tacitly acting on behalf of Big Pharma, as well as denounce the manipulation of the data.

19. It is also important to warn the public on the dangers of untested H1N1 flu vaccines.

20. What we are dealing with is a big lie. A process of generating fake data which is then used to justify a nationwide vaccination program.

21. "The political and corporate interests behind this Worldwide public health emergency must be the target of citizens' actions. "

22. "The Worldwide public health emergency serves to divert public opinion from the real crisis which is affecting the World's people. This crisis is characterised by rising poverty and unemployment and the collapse in social services. "

23. "Both the Economic Crisis and the Middle East Central Asian war are the object of routine and persistent media distortion and camouflage. "

24. In contrast, the H1N1 swine flu --despite its relatively mild and benign impacts-- is depicted as major "Save the World" endeavor". (Michel Chossudovsky, economics professor& Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal.)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


How Washington and CIA – NED agencies orchestrate turbulence in Iran. Malaysia is next if we choose to ignore the Q’s. Note the similarities in the strategies and events that currently take place in Malaysia….

Let me highlight some points in the July 9th article (from by Stephen Lendman, a research associate below.

1. Given Washington's history of stoking tensions and instability in the region, its role in more recent color revolutions, and its years of wanting regime change in Iran, analysts have strong reasons to suspect America is behind post-election turbulence and one-sided Western media reports.

2. A CIA plan reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions.

3. (The role of American “NGO”s and the “setting up of so-called pro-democracy organization” is mentioned): Kenneth Timmerman co-founded Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI) and serves as its executive director. He's also a member of the hawkish Committee on the Present Danger (CPD) and has close ties to the American Enterprise Institute, the same organization that spawned the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), renamed the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) for much the same purpose.

4. On the right wing web site, Timmerman wrote that the NED "spent millions of dollars during the past decade promoting color revolutions in places such as Ukraine and Serbia, training political workers in modern communications and organizational techniques."

5. (The Western support for and funding of terrorist group MKO: ) "The terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) has reportedly played a major role in intensifying the recent wave of street violence in Iran. They admitted to having been trained in Iraq's camp Ashraf and got directions from MKO's UK command post "to create post-election mayhem in the country." They're perhaps also enlisted to stoke violence and conduct targeted killings on Iranian streets post-election as a way to blame them on the government.

6. (BBC, falsehood and disinformationJ On its June 17 web site, BBC was caught publishing deceptive agitprop and had to retract it. It prominently featured a Los Angeles Times photo of a huge pro-Ahmadinejad rally (without showing him waving to the crowd) that it claimed was an anti-government protest for Mousavi.

7. In USA Today, June 26th, "The Obama administration is moving forward with plans to fund groups that support Iranian dissidents..”.

8. The terms “democracy, human rights and the rule of law” are repeatedly (mis-)used to convince the unsuspecting public masses to justify the Western intervention (via funding of opposition groups) in the internal affairs of a country, be it Iran or anywhere else. Stephen Lendman wrote, “for the past year, USAID has solicited funds to "promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Iran," according to its web site”.

9. Swaying public opinion (to go against a state nation) through impact on public emotions is a method of psychological warfare.
a. In 1990, Kuwaiti Nayirah’s teary but fabricated and false account of Saddam Hussein’s army mistreating babies in a Kuwait hospital, was intended to sway US public opinion in favour of war against Iraq.
b. A similar tac-tic towards Iran was Neda. Neda Agha Soltani is today's Nayirah - slain on a Tehran street by an unknown assassin, she's now the martyred face of opposition protesters. The incident and her image captured world attention. It was transmitted online and repeated round-the-clock by the Western media to blame the government and enlist support to bring it down. Who or what will be the equivalent Nayirah’s stunt in Malaysia?

10. In a book, "Full Spectrum Dominance," Engdahl explained the RAND Corporation's research on military conflict by other means. He cited researchers John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt's 1997 document "on exploiting the information revolution for the US military”. By taking advantage of network-based organizations linked via email and mobile phones to enhance the potential of swarming, IT techniques could be transformed into key methods of warfare."

11. They cited an information revolution using advanced "computerized information and communications technologies and related innovations in organization and management theory." They foresaw "the rise of multi-organizational networks" using information technologies "to communicate, consult, coordinate, and operate together across greater distances" and said this ability will affect future conflicts and warfare.

12. They called "swarming" a way to strike from all directions, both "close-in as well as from stand-off positions." Effectiveness depends on deploying small units able to interconnect using revolutionary communication technology.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

DSAI bukan 'pengkhianat'

Anwar bukan pengkhianat? Jadi, dia setia lah..? Setia dengan siapa? tanya ku..

Biar betul!

Macam ni....

Saya terbaca fakta dan sinopsis dari tokpakir (dari blog beliau) lalu terpanggil untuk 'share' maklumat beliau dengan anda ...

"Anwar Ibrahim tidak pernah mengkhianati kesetiaannya kepada aliran pemikirannya yang diyakininya sebagaimana di bawah;

1. Anwar Ibrahim percaya bahawa Program Pendemokrasian adalah merupakan jalan terbaik bagi melahirkan Kebebasan yang sebaik-baiknya di Dunia Islam; [klik]

2. Program Pembaharuan Islam yang dipelupur oleh Anwar Ibrahim ini diyakini oleh beliau sebagai satu kesinambungan kepada gerakan-gerakan pembaharuan yang telah lama berlaku di Dunia Islam sejak dari Abad ke 19 lagi; [klik]

3. Anwar Ibrahim meminta sokongan Barat; Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya, agar 'memberi bantuan' kepada Pertumbuhan Demokrasi dan keterbukaan agar ianya berkembang-biak dengan sebaik-baiknya di Dunia Islam; [klik] dan seterusnya,

4. Anwar Ibrahim mengiktiraf dan mengagumi pembangun-pembangun serta pendiri-pendiri idea-idea Demokrasi Islam, Reformasi Islam [klik], Feminis dan Kebebasan [klik] iaitu Abdul Rahman Al-Kawakibi, Riffat At-Tahtawi, Taha Hussein serta Radin Ayu Kartini.

5. Anwar Ibrahim berpendirian bahawa Khilafah Islamiyyah Othmaniyyah [klik] adalah merupakan sebuah Regim Despotik yang bermaharaja lela kezalimannya serta penindas.

6. Anwar Ibrahim percaya bahawa orang-orang Islam dan Amerika adalah rakan sekutu secara tabii dan persekutuan ini wajib diteruskan bagi menjadikan Dunia Islam kembali selamat untuk demokrasi.

7. Anwar Ibrahim menganggap bahawa mereka-mereka dari kalangan Ummat Islam yang memiliki pendirian seperti Sheikh Usamah Bin-Ladin hafidzahuLlah dan sahabat-sahabat beliau sebagai insan yang menjadi pengganas disebabkan ketiadaan kebebasan yang diberikan kepada mereka. [klik]

8. Anwar Ibrahim menuduh Sheikh Usamah Bin-Ladin hafidzahuLlah dan sahabat-sahabat beliau sebagai pembiaya keganasan dan pembunuhan serta pembawa kemusnahan.

9. Anwar Ibrahim amat kagum dengan gagasan-gagasan ‘ilmiah, sains, falsafah dan sastera [klik] dengan mengambil Ibn Sina sebagai contoh ahli falsafah yang dikira oleh beliau sebagai antara produk terbaik yang patut diteladani oleh Ummat Islam.

Dan sebagai tambahannya, Anwar Ibrahim juga sangat setia untuk bertemu dan sehati-sejiwa dengan kawan-kawannya [klik] dari kalangan pembunuh-pembunuh Ummat Islam Sedunia.

Dan, Anwar Ibrahim sungguh tidak pernah mengkhianati perjuangan kekasih-kekasihnya seperti Obama dan Yahudi Soros [klik].

Di waktu yang sama Anwar Ibrahim, juga sangat setia dan tidak pernah mengkhianati bahkan juga menuruti amalan-amalan Pluralistik Agama seperti yang diamalkan oleh kawan-kawannya di Jirat Tokong Cina [klik] dan bersedia mengizinkan Allah diguna oleh para penyembah berhala Kristian [klik]...."

Friday, August 14, 2009




Efforts to raise Fund for Gaza at this stage is with the specific intention of buying vessels to transport humanitarian aid to Gaza which is currently in a choke hold by the Tel Aviv regime’s illegal blockade.The blockade has been imposed since 2006. Then in late 2008 through January this year, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) broke the ceasefire and launched a military aggression on Gaza causing over 1400 deaths and massive destruction to homes and buildings.

Following immense international pressure and its inability to subjugate the valiant Palestinians, the Israeli Government ended the aggression.

However, the blockade continued and these resulted in a stranglehold on Gaza, depriving the devastated population of medicine, food and materials to rebuild their homes.

If the act of war by the IDF earlier this year saw lives of thousands of Palestinians, mostly civilians including children lost within the short period of time, this blockade is equally cruel if not worst.The children, the sick and elderly are subjected to a slow but sure death.

The ongoing genocide of the people of Palestine in Gaza being committed silently by the Tel Aviv regime is largely ignored by the international community either due to their lack of awareness or not wanting to see the ugliness.

But a group of concerned people from the Free Gaza Movement was not about to let the injustices and cruelties by the Israeli Government inflicted on the people of Gaza go unnoticed.Boarding small boats which they could barely afford to buy, the Free Gaza Movement embarked on its first trip to Gaza from Larnaca, Cyprus on August 2008 carrying much needed aid.To the Free Gaza members, their efforts were not merely to provide aid to the people in Gaza but more than that, it was an act of defiance, a committed protest to break the illegal siege.To them, the siege needs to be challenged and if enough people came forward, the siege will be broken.And that is what the Palestinians want – their freedom and not charity.

Since their first trip, the Free Gaza Movement had launched seven other trips and the last two was aggressively challenged by the Israeli authorities.

The sixth trip which had US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was rammed by the Israeli Navy while en route to Gaza on December 2008.Recently on June 2009, McKinney together with Nobel Laureatte Mairead Macguire were on board the eighth trip when their vessel was stopped by the Israeli forces in international waters while again en route to Gaza to send aid and supply.Together with other members of Free Gaza, McKinney and Macguire were taken to an Israeli prison before being deported.

KLFCW & PGPO chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who met Free Gaza leader Huwaida Arraf in Kuala Lumpur in early July was convinced that Malaysians should assist in the breaking of the siege on Gaza.Dr Mahathir then went to Larnaca, Cyprus on July 16 to see for himself how the Free Gaza Movement had operated from the port and what kind of vessels they had in order to carry out their future trips to Gaza.

It was then decided that Dr Mahathir and PGPO will take up the efforts to raise funds to help purchase a 300-500 tonnes cargo ship to be used to transport aid to Gaza.There is an urgency in raising the funds to enable the pruchase of the vessels. Winter is drawing near and the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza will worsen.

Dr Mahathir is hoping that the PGPO and the people of Malaysia will be able to raise enough funds to launch the vessels before winter hits the already depressed population.

Today marks the launching of the Fund for Gaza and all proceeds will be utilised towards purchasing the vessels and humanitarian aid for the Palestinians.August 12, 2009>>>

Feel free to donate:Account Name: KLFCW (Gaza Fund)Number: 5123 3430 6634
Bank : MaybankMaybank BerhadSECTION 14, PJ SSC18A, Jalan 14/14,46100 Petaling JayaSelangor Darul EhsanMalaysia

Swift Code: MBBEMYKLor Send your cheque/Bank Draft/Money Order/Postal Order to:Suite 2-4, Level 2, Tower Block Menara Milenium,Jalan Damanlela Pusat Bandar Damansara,50490 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.Fax: +603 2094 2992Email:

All donations are tax-exempt under S.44 Of The Income Tax Act 1967. Ref LHDN 01/35/42/51/179-6.6183 Government Gazette: 11643 Dated 30.08.2007>>>

For more details please email:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michael Jackson

The Western mainstream media is really good in "news blackout" as they see fit.

A website that I read regularly is The writer is a Christian anti-Zionist Jewish guy who disclosed this :

"From his record label moguls to his business manager, from his lawyers to his personal confidants, and even to his dermatologist, Michael Jackson chose to surround himself with a crowd of money-hungry Jews who viewed Michael, not as a human being, but as a piece of merchandise to be used for financial gain..."

Sad but true. For the rest of the story :

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Colour Revolution: Non-Military warfare PART 2

The following is a description of the evolution of the so-called "colour revolution".

One could not help but notice the brightly colured T-shirts worn by certain (protest) groups during specific events or gatherings, right here in Malaysia. This phenomenon has surfaced in recent months. Who started it? What is the purpose?

1. The color revolution is traceable to the US-funded strategy of spreading revolutions.

To name a few, “Rose revolution” in Georgia (2003) and “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine (2004). Malaysia is no exception. We have noted the colored T-shirts worn by certain protest groups in recent events in Malaysia- a phenomenon alien to this part of the world.

2. In an article by Stephen Lendman, he mentioned a book. In a new book, "Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order," F. William Engdahl explained a new form of US covert warfare - first played out in Belgrade, Serbia in 2000.

What appeared to be "a spontaneous and genuine political 'movement,' (in fact) was the product of techniques" developed in America over decades.

3. In the 1990s, RAND Corporation strategists developed the concept of "swarming" to explain "communication patterns and movement of" bees and other insects which they applied to military conflict by other means.

4. Milosevic was deposed by a successful high-tech coup that became "the hallmark of the US Defense policies under (Rumsfeld) at the Pentagon." It became the civilian counterpart to his "Revolution in Military Affairs" doctrine using "highly mobile, weaponized small groups directed by 'real time' intelligence and communications."

Belgrade was the prototype for Washington-instigated color revolutions to follow. Some worked. Others failed. A brief account of several follows below.

5. In 2003, Georgia's bloodless "Rose Revolution" replaced Edouard Shevardnadze with Mikhail Saakashvili, a US-installed stooge whom Engdahl calls a "ruthless and corrupt totalitarian who is tied (not only to) NATO (but also) the Israeli military and intelligence establishment."

Shevardnadze became a liability when he began dealing with Russia on energy pipelines and privatizations. Efforts to replace him played out as follows, and note the similarities to events in Iran after claims of electoral fraud.

6. Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" followed a similar pattern to Georgia and now Iran. After Viktor Yanukovych won the November 21, 2004 run-off election against Viktor Yushchenko, it erupted following unsubstantiated claims of fraud.

Yanukovych favored openness to the West but represented a pro-Russian constituency and was cool towards joining NATO.

Washington backed Yushchenko, a former governor of Ukraine's Central Bank whose wife was a US citizen and former official in the Reagan and GHW Bush administrations. He favored NATO and EU membership and waged a campaign with the color orange prominently featured. The media picked up on it and touted his "Orange Revolution" against the country's Moscow-backed old guard. Mass street protests were organized as well as civil disobedience, sit-ins and general strikes.

7. In his book, "Full Spectrum Dominance," Engdahl explained how the process played out. Under the slogan "Pora (It's Time)," people who helped organize Georgia's "Rose Revolution" were brought in to consult "on techniques of non-violent struggle." The Washington-based Rock Creek Creative PR firm was instrumental in branding the "Orange Revolution" around a pro-Yushchenko web site featuring that color theme. The US State Department spent around $20 million dollars to turn Yanukovych's victory into one for Yushchenko with help from the same NGOs behind Georgia's "Rose Revolution" and others.

8. Myanmar's August - September 2007 "Saffron Revolution" used similar tactics as in Georgia and Ukraine but failed. They began with protests led by students and opposition political activists followed by Engdahl's description of "swarming mobs of monks in saffron, Internet blogs, mobile SMS links between protest groups, (and) well-organized (hit-and-run) protest cells which disperse(d) and re-form(ed)."

9. NED and George Soros' Open Society Institute led a campaign for regime change in league with the State Department by its own admission. Engdahl explained that the "State Department....recruited and trained key opposition leaders from numerous anti-government organizations in Myanmar" and ran its "Saffron Revolution" out of the Chaing Mai, Thailand US Consulate.

Street protesters were "recruited and trained, in some cases directly in the US, before being sent back to organize inside Myanmar." NED admitted funding opposition media, including the Democratic Voice of Burma radio.
(from Stephen Lendman )

In summary, the following phenomena are eerily similar to what's happening in Malaysia now.
Similar training tactic? Similar training personnel?

Political opponents ie. DAP and PAS have existed in the past few decades, but we have never witnessed the nature of opposition that we have seen of late:
1. street demonstrations
2. deliberate challenge to the sovereignty of a state
3. deliberate challenge to the sovereignty of a nation
4. deliberate challenge to the position of state Rulers and/ or state leaders
5. deliberate and pre-empted wearing of colored T-shirts ( and head bands) as a mechanism of 'protest'.
6. Use of portal web and portal media to spread half-truths and to spin stories
7. Fabricating stories to 'demonise' leaders of a legally elected government
8. Influencing youths to be in 'protest' groups.

We have much to learn from the non-military warfare methods used in the Balkan states that I metioned above. All this is traceable to the hidden hands @ Washington.

Only when Washington -based groups have vested interest in a nation to usurp its economy, labour or natural resources, will it intervene in subversive ways, using the nation's own people to turn against its own country.

Copycat style events are being organised in our land.
I need not elaborate now who the prime movers are.

More of that later.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Go Green Go Hybrid

Peace be upon you.

Trying to be environment-friendly can be costly ..and requires effort, especially in 2009.

Really? you'd ask.

Yes, really. Sometimes. Let me explain.

1. 30 years ago, do you recall following your mum to the market? She'd bring the large rattan basket. The (mostly chinese) vegetable seller and (Muslim,of course) meat seller would paper-wrap the veges and meat and hand them over to mum. Mum put them in the rattan basket. Plastic bags were hardly ever used.

2. Trishaw riders would help us commute at short distances for a small fee. It was fun, wasn't it?

3. Umbrellas were biodegradeable. Remember the large green ones?

4. We kids and adults alike, used bicycles eveywhere! But at least to commute short distances- friends' houses in the neighbourhood, the football field, the neighbourhood grocery store, school, tuition. (I hated tuition).

(sigh...) Those were the days.

Now, the haze and smog are here to stay. Thanks to us. Yes, you & me & our kids.

Why? Because we abandoned the eco-friendly lifestyle I described above, to become "modern" men and women today, as we "blindly" followed the 'Western industrialised" lifestyle (by watching too much TV and Hollywood movies where everyone drove big cars) and we have remained stuck in the rat-race eversince. It is pointless having a million dollars but we have lousy air to breathe and cannot escape to another planet.

NASA and Russia have not opened up the other planets for sale yet. so, planet EARTH is here to stay.

Is it too late to reverse the effects of pollution and global destruction we have done?

So, what steps shall we take on this only planet we have?

1. Use the basket/ Tote bag the next time- and everytime- we go shopping. Teach our (youngest) children to do the same. Leave your Loius Vuitton bag behind for the next romantic dinner out with your partner.

2. Pack a few plastic bags in your tote bag, to pack your grocery items at the supermarket. Your local grocery cashier will get used to you, and will respect you for it.

3. Politely decline plastic bag if the item(s) are small and few.

4. Educate your local grocery store/ wet market to use old newspaper to wrap your items.They'l get used to it.

5. Buy a bicycle. Use it.

6. Buy a solar-powered car. If that's not available yet, buy a Hybrid car (like I did). It's not just about saving fuel; it's about reducing your "carbon footprint" on this planet. God created the perfect planet and gives us healthy air to breathe into. He forbids us from making any destruction to the planet.

A Hybrid car may be slightly costly (due to import and excise duty) but it's worth the effort in saving the environment from the onslaught of carbon emissions.

View testimonials from happy Hybrid Honda owners here:

7. Organise street demonstrations (just kidding) to get the government to waive excise fees on fully imported Hybrid cars forever. (just being cynical about the "demonstrations" idea). Seriously, 'greenie folks' like myself sincerely hope the government will encourage car users to switch to Hybrid vehicles by removing excise duty, thus making such cars more affordable for those who sincerely want to do their bit for their environment.

8. Switch to non- fossil fuel as alternative energy. Encourage young students at high school and universities to design/ research on alternatives to fuel.

9. Get Proton and local car manufacturers' R&D departments to design 'hybrid' vehicles, thus producing cheaper local-made vehicles that will eventually replace "normal' cars.

Andrew Glikson, Earth and Paleoclimate scientist at the Australian National University (ANU), wrote:
Should humanity choose to undertake all possible mitigation and adaptation efforts in an attempt at slowing global warming down, or even reversing it, steps need to include:

1. Urgent deep reductions in carbon emissions, on the scale of at least 5 percent of emissions per year, relative to 1990 (Anderson and Bows, 2008).

2. Global reforestation efforts in semi-arid and drought-effected regions, among other providing employment to millions of people.

3. Construction of long-range water conduits from flood-affected to drought-stricken regions (an even more important task than designing Broadband networks…).

4. Urgent development of atmospheric CO2 draw-down methods, including CO2-sequestering vegetation, soil carbon enrichment, sodium-based CO2 capture (a technology no more complex than space projects technologies and financially not more expensive than military expenditure).

5. Rapid transition to clean energy (solar-thermal, hot-rock, hydrogen, wind, tide, photovoltaic) and transport systems (electric vehicles).

It is possible that, in order to gain time, some governments may opt for geo-engineering efforts, including stratospheric injection of sulfur aerosols (simulating volcanic eruptions), likely over polar regions, meant to temporarily raise the Earth albedo while other measures are undertaken.

Non-military warfare in Malaysia

As an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction since childhood, I eventually took more interest in non-fiction in my University years onwards. I remember suscribing to TIME magazine at the age of 18, when most University kids prefer to go to the Drive-in movies, bowling, or such like. That was my teenage years spent in Australia. By the way, I no longer read TIME since realising that it is owned and controlled by a certain mega-corporate group. Anyway, life was straightforward in those days. Street demonstrations were almost unheard of in Australia. Neither was it in Malaysia.

Hence, I felt compelled to initiate my own research on the recent phenomena in Malaysian politics observed in the past 2 years, and whether this is part of a bigger agenda that we do not know about. So I sat down and spent countless hours since middle of 2008.

With these findings, many facts started to unfold beofre my eyes. I feel, therefore, it is an obligation to share with you. I hope people will read widely after reading my articles and "see" the global grand design that has affected Malaysia today.

In a book by Webster Griffin Tarpley entitled “Obama: The Postmodernn Coup”, he described in pg. 261, that as far back as 1967, Dr. Fred Emery, then Director of Tavistock Istitute, specified that the then new phenomenon of “swarming adolescents” found at rock concerts could be effectively used to bring down the nation-state by the end of 1990’s. The British Military created the Tavistock Institute as its psychological warfare arm following World War I.
The new techniques of warfare include the use of both lethal (violent) and nonlethal (nonviolent) tactics. Both ways are conducted using the same philosophy, infrastructure, and modus operandi. It is what is known as Cyber war. For example, the tactic of swarming is a fundamental element.

Tarpley wrote, in November 1989, In Ohio began a series of conferences to review progress towards that strategic objective. This was reported in “Human Relations” in 1991. There, Dr. Howard Perlmutter, professor of “Social Architecure” and a follower of Dr. Emery, stressed that “rock video in Katmandu” was an appropriate image of how states with traditional cultures could be destabilized, thereby creating the possibility of “global civilization”.(1)
Another method of post-modern coup is the deployment of polling agencies’ “exit polls” broadcast on international television to give false impression of massive vote-fraud by the ruling party, and put targeted states (nations) on the defensive.

The creation and deployment of coups of any kind requires agents on the ground.
The main handler of these coups on the “ street side” has been the Albert Einstein Institution, formed in 1983, specialising in “non-violence as a form of warfare”.

The group is funded by Soros and the National Endowment For Democracy (NED).

Albert Einstein’s President is Col. Robert Helvey, a former US Army Officer with 30 years’ experience in South East Asia. He has served as case officer for youth groups active in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Southe East Asia since 1999. Col. Helvey had created a series of youth movements in Serbia, Georgia and Ukraine. At least one of the books by the Albert Einstein Institution was supported by George Kennan, the founder of the CIA’s Operations Division.

By 1985, seminars were given at Harvard entitled “Civilian-based Defense and The Art of War”.

In page 267 of Tarpley’s book, he wrote, : During the seminar, the Serbian students received training in such matters as to how to organize a strike, how to communicate with symbols, how to overcome fear and how to undermine the authority of a dictatorial regime”The principal lecturer was Helvey. Of course, the term “dictatorial” in US terms usually means any state that does not conform to its needs.

Helvey emphasized how to break the people’s habits of subservience to authority, and also how to subvert the regime’s “pillars of support” ie the police and armed forces.
(This “teaching is against the fundamental teaching of Islam.)

Movements cannot succeed without funding. The opposition group in Serbia got funding from Freedom House in the US. NED, Internaitonal Republican Institute (IRI) financed by US government. US Agency for Internaitonal Devlopment (USAID) sponsored materials like T-shirts and stickers.
Even a training manual was developed to “train future Trainers” as part of the opposition insurgency methodology, and distributed in workshops. This reflects how systemic the insurgency mechanism is.
Stickers, spray paints and websites are the young activists’ weapons (pg. 268, Tarpley).Street comedy mocking the regime was also a method in puncturing public fear and enraging the powerful.

Once the “opposition group” succeeeds, pro-US President Saakashvilli was installed.
Another method is “…organizing massive and colorful protests that drew crowds who never previously had the courage to oppose the …former Yugoslav President (Milosevic). Carbon copies of such rallies can be seen in Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Thailand(?) and Malaysia, with one purpose, to undermine a legally elected government, before installing a puppet regime.

Dr. Gene Sharp said, “Strategic Non-violent struggle is all about political power. How to seize political power and how to deny it to others”. Excerpts from his book was developed into a ‘training manual” for use by opposition groups in Eastern Europe.

In page 277 of the same book, the Myanmar government described how the Western powers have been aiding certain organizations under the guise of democracy and human rights by giving them assistance in both cash and kind.

Another strategy taught by Col. Helvey to insurgent groups was to use all sorts of subversive acts so that people will have wrong impressions of the Government and lose their respect on it; and so disturbances and upheavals will break out in the country.(pg 278.

This scenario is well illustrated in the never-before seen scenario in Perak and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is clearly a well-orchestrated series of events that only individuals who are well-versed and well-trained by USA CIA-style mechanisms of subversive acts, and generously supported by very very rich interest groups, dare to do.

Interest groups? Why Malaysia? More of that later..

Monday, August 3, 2009

Portal Media and world agenda

Greetings to all,
I hope to share with those who want to see truth as truth and also want to see the unfolding of propaganda, lies and half-truths in the WORLD TODAY. Malaysia is not spared from this 21st Century New World Order. The proliferation of portal media, NGOs, so-called 'color' revolutions, street demonstartions are but one of the mechanisms. More to follow.

Stay tuned.

The website above analysed the close cooperation between MALAYSIAKINI and CIMA which is part of Zionist pro-Israeli NED, which is based in Washington, USA.

Lihat website ini dan buat analisa sendiri: di mana ada "kekecohan" yang sengaja di ada-adakan, yang melanda se sebuah negara, pasti ada CIA sebagai dalang di dalam agenda itu. Malaysia tidak berkecuali dalam hal ini. CIA-NED-Council Of Foreign Relations ada "proxy" di dalam negara ini sekarang. Utk maklumat lanjut sila email kpd saya. Hanya orang yang BENAR-BENAR ikhlas ingin tahu kebenaran, akan dilayan.

" CIA and The Iranian Experiment"
http://www.israelsh Contributors/ Meyssan.htm

I hope Malays, Muslims in this country will not fall into the trap through disinformation by Steven Gan and certain chosen individuals who were sent, paid and trained by nED to create 'division and chaos' in this country.

If DAP and its alliance takes over the country, Muslims and Malays will be polarised to one corner, like in SINGAPORE. Muslims, beware.

I welcome constructive comments from viewers.