Thursday, February 24, 2011

Remembering Tan Sri Yahya Ahmad the Malay enterpreneur

There has not been many successful Muslim Malay enterpreneurs. We can count with fingers how many Muslim Bumiputera millionaires in this country.

Let me share with you an article from SELANGORDAILY.COM that described one of them, the late Tan Sri Yahya Ahmad. I never personally knew this man except having read about him in the media back in the nineties, and his life was 'cut short', but what intrigued me was the description of him as a businessman who remained humble, sincere and ever ready to help other fellow Bumiputera countrymen to be successful too. And that probably made him a businessman most deserving of attention from the then Prime Minister, Dato' Seri (now Tun) Dr. Mahathir Mohamed.

Here's an abstract of the story taken from SELANGORDAILY.COM website.

"...Kejayaan Tan Sri Yahya banyak didokong oleh Tun Dr Mahathir. Boleh dikatakan beliau adalah anak emas Tun. Sewaktu melawat jenazahnya Tun menangis teresak-esak.

Tun banyak memberi serta meluluskan projek-projek perniagaan kepada DRB Hicom kerana sikap Allahyarham yang baik.

Beliau tidak sombong, merendah diri serta menolong orang ramai. Satu projek yang kerajaan berikan kepadanya, seribu projek dia turunkan kepada usahawan-usahawan bumiputra yang lain.

Tun memang banyak bergantung kepadanya pada masa itu untuk menolong usahawan-usahawan bumiputra.

Beliau tidak menipu Tun dan beliau boleh buat apa yang Tun arahkan dalam usaha menolong kaum bumiputra. Beliau lakukan dengan sejujur-jujurnya dan seikhlas-ikhlasnya..

Hubungan rapat antara Allahyarham dan Tun pada ketika itu menimbulkan ketidaksenangan ahli-ahli koporat lain yang berperangai lintah darat.

Terutamanya kroni-kroni Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada masa itu, Anwar Ibrahim. Mereka dengki kerana semua projek-projek besar pada masa itu pergi kepada DRB Hicom...."

The mystery of the helicopter crash that killed him was never solved to this day.

Taken from:

1 comment:

  1. It's been 15 years of silence now.
    We were expecting him for the opening of the Geneva Motor Show.The Malaysian nobleman never got there.
    Instead came a 15 year long streak of Petro-nas-dollar devouring executives. How ironically close, execut-ives, execut-ors.

    May he sleep with the enlightened
