Sunday, January 22, 2012

Parti Sekular Sosialis Terajui Islam di Selangor?

What will become of Islam in Selangor in the post-Hasan Ali era?

Selangor PKR leader , Khalid Ibrahim, now takes up the task as EXCO in Islamic matters?
There is no person more qualified than him?

Something is not right somewhere.

If PAS is in the Pakatan Rakyat EQUATION, and given tha PAS is "seemingly" synonymous with Islam, then why is PAS NOT the selected one?

PAS has NO power. It will NOT be given power.. in Selangor at least. PKR-DAP will make sure of that.

Doesn't PAS (Ulama group) realise this?

And to me, this is just ONE of many clear examples of the way ISLAM in Selangor is gradually and systemically being pushed to the corner by the current ruling alliance of DAP-PKR.

PAS can only watch...helplessly. For how long? DAP-PKR will hold the rein for as long as they are in power.

Just watch: whenever Khalid Ibrahim makes a press conference or statement, who are standing next to him?

Seeing is believing.

If the Muslims of Selangor and Malaysia still cannot see this coming, then I, as a rightful Muslim of this country, residing in Selangor, will continue to write about the evil of the KUFR. Fact by fact.

To me, if PAS wants to contribute in any meaningful way to nation-building and the building and strangthening of the Malaysian Ummah, just join the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, Barisan Nasional, as PARTI ISLAM MALAYSIA (PAS)and therafter start contributing their ideas, knowledge and wisdom (which they claim they have more than others) to the policies and round-table meetings with the other parties in the Alliance.

What is the problem?

I am not asking PAS to become members of UMNO, or GERAKAN, or KITA or MCA or MIC or KIMMA or SUPP.

Just join the Alliance.

And start sitting down together with the Government leadership. Work together to bring the best out of the Malaysian society, rather than fighting from outside the fence.

Don't just talk and criticise.

Do not waste time.

The KUFR is gaining power and getting very arrogant, day by day. And they are using the social media to pitch the Malaysian people against one another.

This has never happened in Malaysian history.

The gain of power and arrogance is further strengthened by generous funding from foreign agencies (with their own global agenda) to the Opposition via so-called "NGOS" but in reality, belonging to and run by the DAP-PKR groups.

Let me share with you the thoughts of Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah in his BLOG:

"....Lebih mengejutkan lagi, tidak ada seorangpun pimpinan PAS yang memuji Hasan Ali atau mengenangkan jasa beliau semasa berada dalam PAS dan ketika menjadi Exco Selangor. 999 kebaikan yang dilakukan Hasan Ali dilupakan begitu sahaja, hanya kerana satu ‘kesalahan kecil’ yang dilakukan. Inikah akhlak Islam? Orang PAS selalu bercakap pasal akhlak, adab dan tata susila.

" Namun, bila masuk bab politik, semua perkara tersebut hilang entah ke mana.

"..Pemuda PAS mengingatkan Hasan Ali supaya jangan menjadi kuda tunggangan UMNO. Veteran PAS mengibaratkan Hasan Ali sebagai buah busuk yang akan gugur sendiri dan banyak lagi perkara-perkara negatif yang dilemparkan kepada Hasan Ali, hanya kerana Hasan Ali, bukan lagi orang PAS.

"..Nampaknya, orang PAS sahaja yang baik, orang lain tidak?

".. Kenapa ketika Hasan Ali berada di dalam PAS, yang buruk-buruk langsung tidak disebut? Habis manis sepah dibuang. Adakah ini cara PAS bertindak? Selama ini PAS selalu melabelkan UMNO sebagai kotor. Hatta, mereka yang menulis dalam media arus perdana ‘pro Umno’ pun dikatakan kotor.

".. Semua yang dilakukan oleh UMNO-BN kotor, yang bersih hanyalah pakatan ultra kiasu ini. "

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