Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The History of the Singapore PAP, DAP and Muslim-Malay break up in Malaysia

Kini orang Islam dan kaum Melayu adalah MINORITI di negara Malaysia.
Sebab mereka sudah berpecah kepada 3, UMNO, PKR, PAS.
Dan sebab mereka berbalah sesama sendiri.
Dengan sendirinya, ini membuatkan usaha memperkasakan agama Islam di negara ini, dan usaha perpaduan Islam..tergendala dan terbantut.

Dalam diam-diam, DAP bertambah kuat dan kini tunjuk taring.

(satu pendedahan mengenai DAP )

In his book, "From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000," published in 2000, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, disclosed the secret that had been kept for almost 40 years: 
It was the Zionist Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that established the Singaporean army.
Singapore's army is today considered the strongest and most advanced of the military forces in Southeast Asia. The alliance between the Israeli and Singaporean defense establishments intensified and expanded. 

Along with the two tracks of compulsory service and career army, Singapore also adopted the IDF's model of reserve service.


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